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7 Wonders: Architects

7.04 / 10
BGG Rating
published year
2 - 7
player count
2 - 7
Recommended player count
25 mins
play time

How Complex is 7 Wonders: Architects?

1.35 / 5

How much Luck is involved in the gameplay of 7 Wonders: Architects?

NA / 5

How much Player Interaction does 7 Wonders: Architects offer?

NA / 5

How much Replayability does 7 Wonders: Architects offer?

NA / 5

Why you should play 7 Wonders: Architects

Why you should avoid 7 Wonders: Architects

Where to find the Rules of 7 Wonders: Architects

You can find the community-driven rules summary, player aid, etc., in the 7 Wonders: Architects files section on the BoardGameGeek website. You need an account on BGG to download files.

Beginner Strategies for 7 Wonders: Architects

These strategies are for players who have either not played or played one or two games of 7 Wonders: Architects.

Advanced Strategies for 7 Wonders: Architects


Set Collection
Variable Player Powers
Open Drafting

